23/24 Season Anfield Ticket Requests: First Half
DUE MONDAY, JULY 3rd, 10am
For current OLSC Brooklyn Members only. You must live in Brooklyn. If you request tickets for yourself and other folks, those other folks should live in Brooklyn as well.
These are requests - no request is guaranteed. Our confirmed ticket allocation will be available later in July.
ONLY request tickets if you intend to go to the game. If a request is fulfilled we expect you to pay for and use the tickets. We are only able to request a limited number of tickets for a limited number of games, and if you request tickets just to see if you get ‘em you could be ruining the opportunity for a fellow red who actually planned on going.
All game dates and times are subject to change
Deadline for tickets request is not flexible
Requests for second half (Jan-May) tickets to be made during a separate ticketing window later in the year.
Questions? Email us: OLSC_BK@olscbrooklyn.com
Ticket requests are closed for first half of the season! Keep an eye our for the second half ticketing window.