Dec/Jan Fundraiser and Volunteer Event
LFC Brooklyn is proud to support Ruth’s Refuge, the only organization devoted to providing furniture and home essentials to refugees and asylum seekers rebuilding their lives in New York City. This is the living and breathing embodiment of you’ll never walk alone. Refugees and asylum seekers arrive in New York City with rich and varied life experiences but few tangible assets. Many recently settled families are unable to furnish their homes, often sleeping on the floor as they work to pay off debts, find jobs and otherwise struggle to make their way in an unfamiliar city. The goal at Ruth's Refuge is to welcome these families by providing them with apartment furnishings and other home essentials in partnership with local resettlement agencies.
DONATE YOUR $$: Now through December 31st, we’re fundraising over on Brooklyn Gives. Your donation goes a long way, and makes a real and meaningful impact in the lives of others. <3
DONATE YOUR TIME: On January 8th, we’re gathering a crew of 10 to install an apartment for a family. This could mean anything from loading/unloading a delivery truck to assembling furniture. Details to come as the event approaches. Sign up below to join us and start the year in a truly beautiful way. Please note: all volunteers will be asked to provide proof of vaccination and are required to sign Liability Waivers and Confidentiality Agreements.
***12/13/21 UPDATE*** All spots are full for the 1/8 volunteer event but kindly sign up below to be added to a waiting list in the event that someone drops out/is unable to attend.