It’s a Food Drive Derby!

While the Merseyside Derby is a fun time to trash-talk your opponents, it’s also an ideal time to put all of that aside and come together for the greater good/remember that hunger doesn’t wear club colors. As such we’ll join our pals at LFC NY and the NYC Evertonians in each hosting a food drive during the Derby this weekend. The LFC BK drive will benefit CHiPS (Community Help in Park Slope), who have, since 1971, helped encourage and support those who are often forgotten. They feed 150 hungry New Yorkers every day through their food pantry and soup kitchen, and provide housing for single mothers and their infants, along with pre-and post-natal care. Here is a list of what they’re able to accept:

*These items MUST be individually packaged so they can be handed out with the meals that CHiPS provides*

We’ll be collecting where we watch - at the Monro Pub - and those who bring any of the above will receive early entry to the bar at 10:00am for the 11:30 kick-off. But even if you come later, do bring some food! And if you can’t make it in person this weekend here are some other ways to support:

  • Make a donation, along with LFCNY and NYC Evertonians to the beneficiary of their food donations, the Father’s Heart Ministries food bank program. This is yet another longstanding, exceptional organization that is committed to seeing the cycle of dependency and poverty broken, and restoring dignity and an improved quality of life to so many in our community. This is money well-spent folks.

  • Purchase from the CHiPS online wish list above, or their wish list for their Frances Residences

Learn more about CHiPS here, and spoiler alert, all proceeds from our end of season raffle will go to CHiPS as well! Get to know them and the work they do.


December Volunteer Event: KKGAS Holiday Carnival


Dec/Jan Fundraiser and Volunteer Event